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NIH invites UN&UP to present its transformative TheraLode™ technology at the 2025 International Stroke Conference (ISC).

UN&UP is excited to announce our invitation from the NIH to present the transformative TheraLode™ technology at the 4th Annual NIH Innovation Showcase. This event will take place during the American Heart Association's 2025 International Stroke Conference (ISC) in Los Angeles, CA, co-hosted by ISC in collaboration with the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).

TheraLode™ is a disruptive magneto-thrombolytic platform for acute ischemic stroke. Because 90% of stroke patients receive no interventional care due to ineffective therapies, bleeding risks, and poor availability, 90% die or are left disabled. By overcoming these barriers, TheraLode™ would be the first company to safely treat 10 times more stroke patients and expand the annual US stroke market to $6B.

Stay tuned as we showcase our innovative technology and work toward a transformative impact in healthcare!