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UN&UP Announces Support for its Fall ‘2024 Biomedical Engineering Design Teams

UN&UP is pleased to announce its support for the 2024-25 Senior Design program with the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. (https://bme.washu.edu/)

This year, our company will be a client for two teams working on different projects in the Design Team program, a two-semester course of study focused on hands-on design experience to provide students with practical applications of engineering.

Our first team, featuring Avi Hari, Zachary Lieske, and Nathan Liu (pictured below), will focus on designing and prototyping an electromagnetic catheter for image-guided biliary navigation within an MRI. During the fall semester, the student team will focus on creating an original design. They will learn to craft a detailed project scope, including required design specifications. By spring, the team will develop a verification and validation plan to test the built prototype.


Please join us in recognizing this next generation of talented engineers.