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UN&UP Announces its second Biomedical Engineering Design Team for Fall 2024

UN&UP is delighted to spotlight the second of our two teams in the 2024-25 Senior Design program, in collaboration with the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. (bme.washu.edu)

Our company is supporting two teams working on distinct projects in this Design Team program, a two-semester course of study focused on hands-on design experience to provide students with practical applications of engineering. Read about our first team here.

This week, we feature the team comprising Natalie Karakey, Jack McGuire, and Pierce Dudek (pictured below) who are designing and prototyping a magnetic collection system for delivery of thrombolytic-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticle to extremities with cold weather injury. Frostbite is a frequently diagnosed injury in military service members operating in arctic and alpine environments. The effects of higher stage frostbite injury, including amputation, can lead to persistent symptoms which decrease employability within the service.

During the fall semester, the student team will focus on creating an original design. They will learn to craft a detailed project scope, including required design specifications. By spring, the team will develop a verification and validation plan to test the built prototype.

Please join us in recognizing this team of talented engineers.

(L-R) Pierce Dudek Natalie Karakey Jack McGuire