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Un&Up Awarded Two NIH Diversity Supplements for Ms. Kellan Moore and Mr. Matthew De Venecia

Women and minorities remain underrepresented across all STEM occupations, and UNandUP is doing its part to address these disparities through partnerships with the National Institutes of Health and our regional universities.

We are pleased to announce the awarding of two NIH Diversity Supplements for Ms. Kellan Moore and Mr. Matthew De Venecia as part of our grant R44HL147745 “An Improved Robotic Electrophysiology Platform for Arrhythmia Ablation.”

Ms. Moore’s supplement award will fund her internship through the spring semester as she finalizes her Masters program in Biomedical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. She's a distinguished KiTS21 Scholar and has completed Research Experiences for Undergraduates programs at the University of California San Diego and the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.

Mr. De Venecia came to UNandUP last summer through our six-month Engineering Fellowship Program designed for recent engineering graduates and early career professionals looking to build their technical and business experiences in a dynamic startup environment. His supplement award will fund his efforts with our company for an additional twelve months. Mr. De Venecia completed his Bachelors in Bioengineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2019 and his Masters in Bioengineering at Rice University in 2020.